RCHE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide[c] Exam (Rh302)
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KDE (K Desktop Environment)
features, 399
konsole, 199
package groups, 100-101
setting as default desktop, 388
KDE Software Development, package groups, 106
kdm display manager, 403-405
Kerberos 5, 203
Kernel Development, package groups, 105
Kernel Hacking, kernel options, 346
kernel modules, 318-323
commands, 319
list of, 322-323
monolithic kernels compared with, 312
overview, 318-319
stored in /lib/modules/kernel_version/ directory, 321
viewing loaded, 320-321
kernel sources
directory tree and documentation and, 331
loading graphically, 333-334
overview, 330
RPM packages for, 332-333
tar file and, 334-335
Kernel Tuning tool. See redhat-config-proc
kernels, 311-330
backing up configuration, 336
best practices, 311-312
/boot partition and, 314
concepts, 312-313
configuration scripts, 335-336
customizing boot disk for, 326-327
disk quotas settings, 301-302
included with RHEL installation files, 313-314
list of RHEL 3 kernels, 313-314
make config command and, 336-337
make menuconfig command and, 337-338
make xconfig command and, 338
modules, 318-323
options, 339-346
order of steps in compiling custom, 346-348
overview, 311, 335
patches, 325-326
/proc filesystem and, 314-318
self test, answers, 363-364
self test, questions, 358-360
two-minute drill, 355-357
updating, 313, 327-330
upgrading, 324-325
version numbers, 324
Keyboard Configuration tool. See redhat-config-keyboard
configuring, 379
Input Core Support menus, 344
selecting during Red Hat installation, 116
keys, SSH
generating, 694-695
private, 692-693, 697
public, 693-694
Kickstart, 188-199
anaconda-ks.cfg file, 191-195
automated installation with, 188
configuration file, 189
duplicating installations from one computer to another, 197
floppy configuration, 189-190
guidelines for setting up Kickstart file, 192
installation scripts, 204
list of package groups installed by, 195
modifying packages as part of installation process, 198-199
partitioning options, 196
self test, answers, 214
self test, questions, 210
server configuration, 190
starting installation from Kickstart file, 190-191
two-minute drill, 207
Kickstart Configurator
accessing, 189
Authentication section, 202-203
Basic Configuration screen, 200-201
Boot Loader options, 201
Firewall Configuration section, 203
Installation Method options, 201
Network Configuration options, 202
overview, 199-200
Package Selection section, 203-204
Partition Information options, 201-202
X Configuration section, 203
klogd daemon, 622
kmod, 319
Konqueror, 410
konsole, 199, 390
Korn shell, 26
ks.cfg file, 159, 198
ksconfig command, 189
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