RCHE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide[c] Exam (Rh302)

 < Day Day Up > 


macros, 461-463, 465. See also directives

mail clients, 467-470

command line utility for, 468

configuring, 410

groups, 468-469

IMAP, 469-470

POP, 469-470

reading messages, 468

self test, answers, 478

self test, questions, 475

two-minute drill, 472

Mail Exchange (MX), DNS resource records, 554

Mail Server, package groups, 103

mail servers, 459-467

components, 459

overview, 459-460

postfix, 466-467

RPM packages for, 460-461

self test, answers, 478

self test, questions, 474-475

sendmail, 461-466

SMTP and, 460

two-minute drill, 472

mail transfer agents (MTAs), 459, 469

mail utility, 468

Main Menu button, 226

Main Menu, GNOME and KDE, 410

main.cf, 466-467

make bzImage command, 347

make clean command, 326, 347

make command, 463

make config command, 336-337, 347

make dep command, 326, 347

make menuconfig command, 302, 326, 337-338, 347

make modules command, 347-348

make mrproper command, 347

make oldconfig command, 347

make xconfig command, 302, 338-339, 347

man bootparam command, 168

Managing Red Hat Linux 9 (Jang), 3

maps, NIS, 609

Master Boot Record. See MBR (Master Boot Record)

master DNS servers, 546, 554

mathematics, package groups, 101

MBR (Master Boot Record)

accidentally deleting, 672

boot loaders and, 162

Kickstart Configurator and, 201

troubleshooting boot process, 685

MD5 checksum, 247-248

Memory Technology Devices menu, kernel options, 341


configuring, 379

Input Core Support menus, 344

Linux installation and, 57

Mouse Configuration tool, 276

Microsoft networking

overview, 484

Samba and, 485, 488-489

Microsoft Windows 9x/ME, 486, 583

Microsoft Windows emulation packages, 170

Microsoft Windows encryption, 497

Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP, 486, 500

mingetty command, 402

mkbootdisk command

associating boot disk with upgraded kernel, 323

creating boot disks, 136, 672-673

customizing boot disks, 326-327

switches, 327

mke2fs command, 160

mkfs command

formatting partitions, 13, 179, 684

formatting RAID arrays, 181

mkinitrd command, 689

mkraid/dev/md0, 181

/mnt, 239

modprobe command, 41, 312, 319, 323

modular kernel. See kernel modules


configuring, 132, 377-378

hardware compatibility and, 373

Linux installation and, 57

monolithic kernel, 312

more command, 18

mount /misc/boot command, 243

mount command

checking hard drive, 170

checking mounted partitions, 169-170

corruption of, 686, 689

mounting floppy disks and removable media, 239-241

mounting partitions, 15

mounting Samba directories, 492-493

NFS shares and, 570

mount options, /etc/fstabb, 238-239

mount points, 15, 239

mount/mnt/floppy, 189

mouse. See mice

mouse command, 193

Mouse Configuration tool. See redhat-config-mouse

Mozilla, 101, 465

MS-DOS filesystem, 235

MTAs (mail transfer agents), 459, 469

multicast, 579

Multidevice Support for RAID and LVM menu, kernel options, 342

Multimedia Devices options, kernel options, 344

mutt, 101

mv command, 19

MX (Mail Exchange), DNS resource records, 554

MySQL Database, 104

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