Intelligent Enterprises of the 21st Century

The INVOKE Behavior

As mentioned earlier, the invoker is the user who will execute or invoke the procedure. Consider the following characteristics for invoking the procedures:

  • DB2 uses the authorization ID of the user-defined function or stored procedure invoker for authorization checking of dynamic SQL statements in the application package. If the invoker is the primary authorization ID of the process or the CURRENT SQLID value, secondary authorization IDs are also checked if they are needed for the required authorization. Otherwise, only one IDthe ID of the invokeris checked for the required authorization.

  • The default qualifier for unqualified objects is the user-defined function or stored procedure invoker.

The corresponding DYNAMICRULES bind/rebind options for the define behavior are the following:

  • DEFINEBIND. Processes dynamic SQL statements with the DEFINE behavior for stored procedures and functions, and with the BIND behavior when the package is run as a stand-alone program.

  • DEFINERUN. Processes dynamic SQL statements with the DEFINE behavior for stored procedures and functions, and with the RUN behavior when the package is run as a stand-alone program.

  • INVOKEBIND. Processes dynamic SQL statements with the INVOKE behavior for stored procedures and functions, and with the BIND behavior when the package is run as a stand-alone program.

  • INVOKERUN. Processes dynamic SQL statements with the INVOKE behavior for stored procedures and functions, and with the RUN behavior when the package is run as a stand-alone program.
