Java InstantCode. Developing Applications using Java Speech API

The file checks the status of a call. The AutoAnswerObserver class auto-replies to the caller with the predefined welcome message. Listing 8-2 shows the contents of the file:

Listing 8-2: The File

/*Import required JTAPI classes*/ import javax.telephony.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; /* This class provides the media call observer for the Auto Reply Application. Class:AutoAnswerObserver-Class to detect the call made by caller Methods: setJtapiVariables():This method is used to initialize the terminal connection objects. */ public class AutoAnswerObserver implements MediaCallObserver, Runnable { boolean isAnswering = false; AutoAnswerGUI replyApp = null; Call phoneCall = null; private Connection connections[] = null; private TerminalConnection tconnection = null; private TerminalConnection desttconnection = null; Thread t=null; AnswerText st=null; /* Public constructor takes the object of AutoAnswerGUI class as parameter. AutoAnswerObserver(): Parameters: replyApp:object of AutoAnswerGUI Return Type:NA */ public AutoAnswerObserver(AutoAnswerGUI replyApp) { this.replyApp = replyApp; } /* This method is used to initialize the terminal connection objects. Parameters:Object of Call class Return Value:void */ private void setJtapiVariables(Call c) { phoneCall = c; try { connections = c.getConnections(); TerminalConnection[] tc; phoneCall.addObserver(this); tc = connections[0].getTerminalConnections(); tconnection = tc[0]; Terminal terminal = tconnection.getTerminal(); terminal.addCallObserver(this); /* Creating the remote terminal connection. The remote connection is the origination connection, which is always the first connection in the connections array. */ tc = connections[1].getTerminalConnections(); desttconnection = tc[0]; } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred in setJtapiVariables(): " + e.toString()); } } /* The callChangedEvent() method is called every time an event associated with the phone call is raised. Parameters:Array of CallEv class eventList Return Type:void */ public void callChangedEvent(CallEv[] eventList) { if(phoneCall == null) { setJtapiVariables(eventList[0].getCall()); } for (int i = 0; i <eventList.length; i++) { CallEv ev = eventList[i]; TerminalConnection terminalConnection = ((TermConnEv)ev).getTerminalConnection(); MediaTerminalConnection mtc = (MediaTerminalConnection)terminalConnection; switch(ev.getID()) { case TermConnCreatedEv.ID: try { /* Specifying the audio file that is to be played when terminal connection is created. */ System.out.println("Connection Created."); mtc.useDefaultSpeaker(); mtc.useDefaultMicrophone(); mtc.useP layURL(new URL("file:helloworld.wav")); isAnswering = false; } catch (Exception excp) { System.out.println("Exception TermConnCreatedEv:" + excp.toString()); } break; case TermConnRingingEv.ID: try { System.out.println("Ringing"); if(isAnswering == false) { /*Answering the phone call.*/ isAnswering = true; terminalConnection.answer(); t=new Thread(this,"Node action"); t.start(); } } catch (Exception excp) { System.out.println("Exception occurred while answering the phone call:" + excp.toString()); } break; case MediaTermConnAvailableEv.ID: try { System.out.println("Media Term Connection Available event."); mtc.startPlaying(); } catch (Exception excp) { System.out.println("Exception occurred in startPlaying():" + excp.toString()); } break; case MediaTermConnStateEv.ID: try { /*Check if playing is done.*/ int state = mtc.getMediaState(); System.out.println("Playing"+state); state = state &MediaTerminalConnection.PLAYING; System.out.println("Playing"+state); if(state == 0) { /* Stop playing and closing the phone connection. */ mtc.stopPlaying(); hangupConnection(); } } catch (Exception excp) { System.out.println("Exception occurred in stopPlaying():" + excp.toString()); } break; case MediaTermConnUnavailableEv.ID: try { /* Specifying that the Media Terminal Connection is not available. */ System.out.println("Media terminal connection is not available."); mtc.stopPlaying(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred in MediaTermConnUnavailableEv.ID:" + e.toString()); } /* Closing the telephone connection. */ hangupConnection(); break; default: break; } } } /* Run method to speak the answer Parameters:NA Return Value:Void */ public void run() { /* Initialize a new object of AnswerText class. */ st=new AnswerText("Thank You for calling me i would be glad to say hello", "kevin16"); /* Invoke the answerSelText() method of AnswerText class. */ st.answerSelText(this); } }


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In the above code, the constructor of the class takes an object of the class as an input parameter to invoke the methods of the class.

The methods defined in Listing 8-2 are:
