Javaв„ў EE 5 Tutorial, The (3rd Edition)


if statement, 34, 258, 434

Ignore feature, NUnit, 235

incremental development, 462, 463, 464, 494

InitializeComponent method, 185

InitializeDelegates method, 289

InListItem method, 329, 43738


code summary, 12829

Command metaphor and, 102

creating, 91100

refactoring, 1067

similarity to CustomerTest, 1023

testing, 129, 142

InputCommandTest.cs, 129

InsertAction class, 381, 38588, 491

InsertAfterPara test, 141, 372

InsertCharacter method, 423, 424, 425, 428, 431

InsertListItemTag method, 329, 350

InsertOL test, 372

InsertOrderedList method, 322

InsertPara test, 141, 372

InsertParagraphTag method, 5253, 170, 188, 322, 329, 350, 351

calls NewSelectionStart method, 163

calls SumLineLengths method, 163, 164

code summary, 17677

copying lines into newlines, 6465

duplication with InsertSectionTags, 15964, 165, 166, 173

vs. Enter, 210

as logical method, 175

refactoring, 5962, 65

summary, 66

what it does, 231

InsertPre test, 2012, 22526, 23233, 35253

adding Shift+Enter customer testing to, 24042

code summary, 37273

enhancing, 22023

InsertPreMenu method, 212

InsertPreTag method, 202, 322, 340, 350, 352

InsertRange method, 6465, 162, 170, 43839

InsertReturn method, 220, 22123, 232

InsertSection method, 18687, 203, 31819

InsertSectionTags method, 154, 169, 188, 211, 315, 322

duplication with InsertParagraphTag, 15965, 166, 173

duplication with NewSection, 15153

as logical method, 175

testing, 213

InsertString method, 345

InsertStrings method, 349, 377, 385

InsertTags method

arrays and, 321

calling, 322

MenuInsertTags and, 344

overview, 221, 222

removing, 350

revising, 349, 385

snapshot object and, 461

Tags variable, 383

testing, 340, 343

InsertUL test, 373

InsertUnorderedList method, 319, 340, 350

installable software, shipping stories as, 11011

intention - revealing names , 5153, 87. See also programming by intention


building, 12023

ITestTextBox interface, 121, 122, 130, 142

IUndoRestore interface, 44749

Internet Explorer

adding to Windows Forms projects, 401

adding to XML Notepad application, 4024

displaying XML, 39899

.NET and, 397

InterpretCommands method, 74, 77, 105, 108, 202, 24142, 293, 32528

InterpretFileInput method, 105

iteration plans, 14, 273, 275

iterations, 10, 11

ITestTextBox interface, 121, 122, 130, 142

IUndoRestore interface, 44749
