Pivot Table Data Crunching for Microsoft Office Excel 2007


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]



         in OLAP pivot tables 2nd

    drilling into

         in OLAP pivot tables 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

     pivot tables, converting to

data areas 2nd

data items

    deleting from pivot tables

         reappearing deleted data items, troubleshooting 2nd

    month exclusions in pivot charts


    repeating in pivot tables


     sorting in unique order 2nd

data management

     Excel limitations

Data menu

     Refresh Data command

data ranges

     multiple ranges

     pivot tables, redefining


         via PivotTable Wizard

     VBA code, writing 2nd

data sources

     blank cells 2nd

    changes to

         pivot table report effects 2nd

     column headings

         unique headings

     columns, repeating groups as

     field formatting

     gaps 2nd

     good design attributes 2nd

    pivot table location

         selecting via PivotTable Wizard

     pivot table report preparation case study 2nd 3rd


         range expansion

         Refresh Data icon (pivot table toolbar)

     section headings, storing in 2nd

     selecting columns as ranges

     tabular layouts 2nd

data storage

     OLTP databases

Data Table command

     1992 summary report case study

data warehouses

dataset ranges

     multiple consolidation range pivot tables, defining in 2nd

     multiple consolidation range pivot tables, naming in 2nd

datasets (business)

     80/20 rule

date fields

     grouping 2nd

         by months

         by weeks 2nd

         two fields in one report 2nd

    in VBA

         grouping data by week 2nd 3rd 4th

         summarizing via grouping 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Debug mode (VBA) 2nd


     calculated fields 2nd

     calculated items 2nd

    data items

         in pivot tables;reappearing deleted data items, troubleshooting 2nd

     in VBA pivot tables

Description section (Record Macro dialog)

Difference From option (Show Data As combo box)

     year-to-year comparisons (pivot table reports), configuring

dimension fields (OLAP cubes)

Dimension fields (PivotTable Field List)



     GETPIVOTDATA function 2nd

disappearing data when refreshing pivot tables

     troubleshooting 2nd

disparate data


     PivoTable Field dialog

    top/bottom records

         in OLAP cube pivot tables

division revenue contribution reports 2nd


     calculated fields 2nd

     calculated items 2nd


     field names



         to pivot table drop areas 2nd

drilling into data

     in OLAP pivot tables 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

drop areas (pivot tables)

     dragging fields to 2nd

Drop Category Fields Here area (pivot charts)

Drop Page Fields Here area (pivot charts)

Drop Series Fields Here area (pivot charts)



         in pivot tables

         to VBA pivot tables

DSUM function

     1992 summary report case study
