The JavaT EE 5 Tutorial
B. Preparation for Java EE Certification Exams
Sun Microsystems provides certification examinations for Solaris administrators and different types of Java programmers. Sun also offers a learning path, consisting of training classes and practice exams, for each type of certification. The Java EE learning path focuses on providing Java EE training for architects and for Web component, business component, and integration developers. Java EE training can lead to one of three certifications: Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD), Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD), or Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA). You can use the Java EE Tutorial as preparation for the certification exams. This appendix provides details about how the sections of the exams map to chapters of the tutorial. Exam objectives change over time, and potential certification candidates should check for the most up-to-date list of certification exam objectives. Note This tutorial is not intended as a primer for the certification exams: it does not cover every subject to the depth that will be on the exam. The links below are presented so that you can use this tutorial as one of many sources for exam preparation. This appendix provides information relating to the following certification exam:
This appendix provides information relating to the following course: