Henry Weingarten, has been a professional astrologer for over thirty-four years . Since May 2, 1988, he has been the Managing Director of the Astrologers Fund, Inc., which employs astrology as the primary analysis tool to manage investment funds and advise institutional investors and money managers worldwide. Books Investing by the Stars , McGraw-Hill, 1996, 2nd ed. Traders Press, 2000 The Study of Astrology , ASI Publishers, 1969, 5th edition 1988 Ten guidelines for a stellar performance -
Ubung macht den meister (Practice makes perfect). Practice first, before using/losing real money. -
Think global. Most of a stock's price movement can be attributed to the broad market and sector participation. Plan top-down: First select countries /bourses/currencies, then sectors, then individual stocks. Bottom-up investing should be reserved primarily for special situations. -
Timing is everything. It is not what you know, but when you know it! I use astrology to 'be there first'. -
Two out of three ain't bad. When investing, I use fundamentals and astrology; when trading I use technicals and astrology. The best results i.e. most profitable, occur when several investing criteria, gurus or screens agree. -
When in doubt, don't. Even when I am 'sure', I am not always right (and I am a Leo!). If you are not sure, do not act unless necessary. -
Make mistakes. Nothing ventured, nothing gained . If you are never wrong, you are a newbie, a liar or a con artist. Learn to take losses quickly - the moment you recognize that the market is telling you that you are wrong. -
Dance when the markets are wrong. Trading and hedging can be used to hold long core positions without giving up too much. -
Live on the edge. Find your own edge or personal knowledge that is not priced into the market. Often, it is from your life experience. For me, astrology is my edge. Similarly, wear your portfolio like comfortable clothing - buy stocks that are you are comfortable owning. -
Know when to hold them, know when to fold them. Decide your exit strategies in advance. Most investors know how to buy, but few have learned how and when to sell. I believe that when a stock is more expensive than you are currently willing to pay for it, it is time to place a trailing stop or sell it. -
Make a profit - don't be a prophet. Use prudent money management and capital preservation. Never let one or two bad investments destroy your portfolio; diversify it sufficiently to manage risk and reward appropriately. www.afund.com |