Advantage Database Server: The Official Guide
GetInterfaceVersion function in AEPs, 172–173
getting data. See reading ADS data; SQL; views
global assembly cache (GAC), 186, 223
GRANT statement, 239, 312–313
granting access rights to tables
See also groups; users; permissions
from C#Builder, 412–414
from Delphi, 345–348
from Java, 366–368
from JBuilder, 366–368
from Visual Basic, 392–393
from Visual C#, 412–414
groups and, 112–118
users and, 111–118, 311–313
SQL, 239, 310–313
via ADO, 392–393
via ADO.NET, 412–414
GROUP BY clause, 254, 287–289
GROUP reserved keyword, 239, 287–289
See also users
access rights and, 112–118
adding users to, 115–116, 324–325
changing properties of, 325
creating, 112–118, 324
deleting, 326
listing, 307–308
overview, 112