Advantage Database Server: The Official Guide


named parameters in parameterized queries, 249

Native SQL Utility

See also SQL

configuring, 263–265

ODBC SQL Utility versus, 266

opening scripts with, 265

saving scripts in, 265

using, 262–265

natural record order, 65

navigational model

Delphi’s support for, 331

development environments that use, 6

set-based SQL versus, 4–6

NEAR keyword, 84, 294

.NET class libraries, registering, 185–186, 222–223

.NET provider. See Advantage .NET Data Provider

.NET framework class library (FCL), 398

NetWare. See Novell NetWare

network traffic, reducing, 8, 169

NEW keyword, 274

NOISE keyword, 274

NOT reserved keyword, 239, 244–246

NOTMAINTAINED keyword, 274

Novell NetWare

ADS server for, 21

driver for, 23

enhancements in ADS 7, 27

NOW() scalar function, 247

NULL reserved keyword, 239, 244–246

NULL valid, 129, 323

numeric arithmetic operators, 245

numeric comparison operators, 245

numeric literals, 241

numeric operators, 244

numeric sign change operators, 244
