Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks


od [-c] [-a] [-b] [-B] [-o] [-O] [-d] [-D] [-i] [-I] [-l] [-L] [-f] [-e] [-F] [-h] [-x] [-H] [-X] [-v] [ filename ]


Prints the contents of a file to standard output in a variety of formats. (If no filename is specified, it acts on the contents of standard input.) The name is an acronym for octal dump , from its default behavior of displaying files as series of octal numbers .

od has been deprecated in favor of hexdump ; in fact, the two binaries are hard-linked to the same data. However, traditional od syntax applies when invoked by that name. See the hexdump manpage for more.



Displays content in 1-byte chunks of ASCII characters, hexadecimal numbers, and short strings representing control characters .


Displays content in 1-byte chunks of octal numbers.


Displays content in 2-byte chunks of octal numbers. This option is the default.


Displays content in 1-byte chunks of ASCII characters, octal numbers, and escape sequences representing control characters. This is probably the most commonly used option.


Displays content in 2-byte chunks of unsigned decimal integers.


Displays content in 4-byte chunks of unsigned decimal integers.


Displays content in 8-byte chunks of decimal floating-point numbers.


Displays content in 4-byte chunks of decimal floating-point numbers.


Same as - e .


Displays content in 2-byte chunks of hexadecimal numbers.


Displays content in 4-byte chunks of hexadecimal numbers.


Displays content in 2-byte chunks of signed decimal integers.


Displays content in 4-byte chunks of signed decimal integers.


Same as - I .


Same as - I .


Same as - B .


Displays content in 4-byte chunks of octal numbers.


Disables the suppression of duplicate lines, which are normally represented by a single asterisk.


Same as - h .


Same as - H .


