Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
unzip |
unzip [-v] unzip -Z [-v] [-M] [-s -m -l -1] [-T] archive_filename [ pathname ...] [-x pathname ...] unzip -Z [-v] [-M] [-2] [-h] [-t] [-z] archive_filename [ pathname ...] [-x pathname ...] unzip [-q[q] -v] [-M] [-l -t -z -p -c [-a[a]]] [-b] [-C] archive_filename [ pathname ...] [-x pathname ...] unzip [-q[q] -v] [-M] [-f -u] [-a[a] -b] [-C] [-L] [-j] [-V] [-X] [-n -o] [-d directory ] archive_filename [ pathname ...] [-x pathname ...] |
Lists or extracts files from a ZIP archive (such as one created by the zip command). If the name of the archive file ends in .zip , that extension need not be specified in archive_filename . If pathname arguments are given, only archive items matching those arguments are processed ; otherwise , unzip lists or extracts all items in the archive. When called with no arguments, it prints a usage statement to standard output.
- -a
Converts text files in the archive to native format. For instance, this option translates DOS linefeeds to Unix linefeeds on Mac OS X. When doubled ( -aa ), it attempts to convert all files, whether text or binary.
- -b
Treats all files as binary, so that no text conversions are attempted.
- -c
Extracts file data to standard output.
- -C
Uses case-insensitive matching of pathname arguments to archive items.
- -d
Extracts files into the given directory. Otherwise, files are extracted into the current working directory.
- -f
Extracts files only if they already exist, and if the modification timestamps in the archive are more recent than those on disk.
- -j
Discards the paths of archived files, so that all files are extracted into the same directory.
- -l
Lists archive contents, along with sizes, modification timestamps, and comments. More information is printed if - v is also used.
- -L
Converts filenames to lowercase if they were archived from a single-case filesystem (such as FAT). When doubled ( -LL ), all filenames are converted to lowercase.
- -M
Displays output a page at a time.
- -n
Never overwrites existing files when extracting. By default, unzip prompts the user if an existing file would be overwritten.
- -o
Overwrites existing files when extracting, without prompting.
- -p
As - c , except that text conversions are not allowed.
- -q
Minimizes output. When doubled ( -qq ), produces even less output.
- -t
Performs a CRC check on archive items to determine if they have changed since being archived.
- -u
As - f , but also extracts files that don't already exist on the disk.
- -v
Enables verbose output. If it's the only argument, prints version information, compile settings, and environment variable settings to standard output.
- -V
For items archived on a VMS system, this argument retains file version numbers in filenames.
- -x
Excludes the files specified by the additional pathname arguments, which usually include wildcards to match filenames of a certain pattern.
- -X
Restores owner and group information for extracted files. Successful use of this flag will most likely require superuser privileges.
- -z
Prints comments stored in the archive file to standard output.
- -Z
Provides more control over information displayed to standard output about archive contents. When invoked as the only argument, prints usage information for the following options to standard output.
- -h
Prints archive name, size, and number of archived items.
- -l
As - s , but compressed size is also displayed.
- -m
As - s , but compression ratio is also displayed.
- -M
Displays output a page at a time.
- -s
Prints information about each item in the archive: permissions, version of zip used to create the archive, uncompressed size, file type, compression method, modification timestamp, and name. This is the default behavior if no other options are specified.
- -t
Prints number of archived items, cumulative compressed and uncompressed sizes, and compression ratio.
- -T
Prints timestamps in a sortable format, rather than the default human-readable format.
- -v
Enables verbose output.
- -x
Excludes the files specified by the additional pathname arguments, which usually include wildcards to match filenames of a certain pattern.
- -z
Prints comments stored in the archive file.
- -1
Prints only filenames of archived items.
- -2
As - 1 , but - h , -t , and - z flags may be used to print additional information.