Websphere for Linux on Iseries: Implementation Guide

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This IBM Redbook is about WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 for Linux on iSeries. It begins with a brief discussion of WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2, then provides details about product positioning on the OS/400 versus Linux for iSeries platforms, and about the features included in various packaging options.

This Redbook then provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 for Linux on iSeries. It presents connectivity scenarios between OS/400 resources and Java applications running under WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 for Linux on iSeries, focused on JDBC provider and program-to-program calling. This information is provided in the context of several realistic business applications.

Administration and operation tips and techniques are presented as well.

This Redbook helps administrators and developers of WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 for Linux on iSeries. In addition, it is useful to IT managers or decision makers when considering the pros and cons of the product offerings between OS/400 and Linux on iSeries.

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