Show Me Microsoft Office Access 2003

In Design view, you can add or remove fields in your query design to produce different results. You can also include fields from other tables in your database. In some cases you might want to hide a field from the query results while keeping it part of the query design for selection criteria purposes. When you remove a field from the query design grid, you're only removing it from the query specifications. You're not deleting the field and its data from the underlying table. When you hide a field by clearing the Show check box, the field remains part of the query; it just won't be displayed to the user .

Add a Field to a Query

Display the query in Design view.

Double-click a field name from the field list to place the field in the next available column in the design grid, or drag a field to a specific column in the design grid.

Remove a Field from a Query

Display the query in Design view.

Select the field you want to remove from the query.

Press Delete, or click the Edit menu, and then click Delete or Delete Columns.

Add a Field from Another Table to a Query

Display the query in Design view.

Click the Show Table button on the Query Design toolbar.

Select the table that contains the fields you want to include in the query.

Click Add.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each table you want to include.

Click Close.

Double-click or drag the fields you want to include to the design grid.

Did You Know?

You can format a query field . To modify the appearance of a query field, click anywhere within the query field's column, and then click the Properties button on the toolbar. You can then specify the format, caption, input mask, and other features of the query field.

You can change the order of fields in a query . In the design grid, point at the column selector for the column you want to move. (The column selector is the thin gray box at the top of a column.) When the pointer changes to a small black arrow, click to select the column. When the black arrow changes back, use the mouse pointer to drag the selected column to a new position.

You can remove a table from the Query design grid . To remove a table, right-click its field list in the top portion of the Query Design View window, and then click Remove Table.
