Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003

You can look up data on the Web and insert it into Excel using the Web toolbar. You can jump from Web site to Web site, gathering data to include on your own worksheets. You might, for example, want to include text from a Web site containing information relevant to your company, department, or research project. The Web is also a great source of free clip art. Using Microsoft's Clip Gallery Live or other online resources, you can illustrate a worksheet with almost any product, theme, or idea.

Get Data from the Web Using the Web Toolbar

Click the View menu, point to Toolbars , and then click Web.

Click the Search The Web button on the Web toolbar.

Excel opens your Web browser.

Establish an Internet connection.

Follow the directions to search for Web sites that contain the data you want.

To get text data from a Web page, select the text, click the Edit menu, and then click Copy. Switch to Excel, and then paste the text on your worksheet.

To download a file, click the download hyperlink, click the Save This File To Disk option, click OK, select a location, and then click Save.

When you're done, click the Close button.

Did You Know?

You can hide and display other toolbars . To hide the other toolbars, click the Show Only Web Toolbar button on the Web toolbar. Click the button again to display the other toolbars.
