Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003

When you start Excel, the program window opens with a new workbook so that you can begin working in it. You can also start a new workbook whenever Excel is running, and you can start as many new workbooks as you want. Each new workbook displays a default name ("Book1," "Book2," and so on), numbered according to how many new workbooks you have started during the work session until you save it with a more meaningful name .

Start a New Workbook from the Task Pane

Click the File menu, and then click New.

Click Blank Workbook.

A blank workbook is opened.

Click the Close button on the task pane.

Start a New Workbook from the New Button

Click the New button. Excel opens a blank workbook.

Create a File Using a Template or Wizard

Click the File menu, and then click New.

Click On My Computer.

Click the tab for the type of document you want to create.

Click the icon for the template or wizard you want to use.

Click OK.

If you choose a wizard, follow the step-by-step instructions. Click Next to move to the next wizard dialog box.

When you reach the last wizard dialog box, click Finish.

Get Templates on the Web

Click the File menu, and then click New.

Click Templates On Office Online to open the Microsoft Web site in your browser.

Click the link to the template you want.

Click Download Now, and then follow the online instructions.
