Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Correcting Cell Contents with AutoCorrect

Excel's AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects misspelled words as you type them. AutoCorrect comes with hundreds of text and symbol entries you can edit or remove. Add words and phrases to the AutoCorrect dictionary that you misspell, or add often-typed words and save time by just typing their initials. You could use AutoCorrect to automatically change the initials EPA to Environmental Protection Agency, for example. Use the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box to control how Excel handles capital letters .

Add an AutoCorrect Entry


Click the Tools menu, and then click AutoCorrect Options.


On the AutoCorrect tab, type a misspelled word or an abbreviation.

Type the replacement entry.

Click Add.


Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each entry you want to add.


Click OK.


Edit an AutoCorrect Entry


Click the Tools menu, and then click AutoCorrect Options.


On the AutoCorrect tab, select the AutoCorrect entry you want to change. You can either type the first few letters of the entry to be changed in the Replace box, or scroll to the entry, and then click to select it.

Type the replacement entry.

Click Replace. If necessary, click Yes to redefine entry.


Click OK.


Change AutoCorrect Exceptions

Click the Tools menu, and then click AutoCorrect Options.

On the AutoCorrect Tab, click Exceptions.

Click the First Letter or INitial CAps tab.

  • The First Letter list contains words that end with a (.) but whose following word is never capitalized.

  • The Initial CAps list contains words that have multiple capital letters; adding words to this list means that Excel will not try to correct them.

Type the entry you want to add.

Click Add, and then click OK.

Click OK.

Did You Know?

You can paste data with special exceptions . Click the AutoCorrect Options button, and then choose an option to fit your needs.
