Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003

You've entered labels and values, constructed formulas, and even formatted the cells , but now some of your data isn't visible; the value displays as ##### in the cell . Also, some larger- sized labels are cut off. You can narrow or widen each column width to fit its contents and adjust your row heights as needed. As you build your worksheet, you can change the default width of some columns or the default height of some rows to accommodate long strings of data or larger font sizes. You can manually adjust column or row size to fit data you have entered, or you can use AutoFit to resize a column or row to the width or height of its largest entry.

Adjust Column Width or Row Height

Click the column or row header button for the first column or row you want to adjust.

If you want, drag to select more columns or rows.

Right-click the selected column(s) or row(s), and then click Column Width or Row Height.

Type a new column width or row height in points.

Click OK.

Adjust Column Width or Row Height Using the Mouse

Position the mouse pointer on the right edge of the column header button or the bottom edge of the row header button for the column or row you want to change.

When the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, click and drag the pointer to a new width or height.

Change Column Width or Row Height Using AutoFit

Position the mouse pointer on the right edge of the column header button or the bottom edge of the row header button for the column or row you want to change.

When the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, double-click the mouse.

Did You Know?

You can correctly position the mouse pointer when adjusting a column's width or height . Position the mouse pointer between the header buttons of the column to be resized and the column to its right. To adjust the height, position the mouse pointer between the header button of the row to be resized and the row below it

What is a point ? A point is a measurement unit used to size text and space on a worksheet. One inch equals 72 points.
