Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 (Show Me Series)

The PowerPoint commands are organized in menus on the menu bar. The menus are personalized as you work ”when you click a menu name , you first see the commands you use most frequently. After a few moments, you see the entire list of commands. You can also open a shortcut menu ”a group of related commands ”by right-clicking a PowerPoint element.

Choose a Command from a Menu

Click a menu name on the menu bar.

If necessary, click the double-headed arrow to expand the menu, or wait until the expanded list of commands appears.

Click the command you want. If the command is followed by an arrow, point to the command to see a list of related options, and then click the option you want.

Choose a Command from a Shortcut Menu

Right-click an object (a text or graphic element).

Click a command on the shortcut menu. If the command is followed by an arrow, point to the command to see a list of related options, and then click the option you want.

TIMESAVER You can use a shortcut key to choose a command. Press and hold down the first key and then press the second key. For example, press and hold the Ctrl key and then press S to select the Save command.
