Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 (Show Me Series)

Repeating the same word in a presentation can reduce a message's effectiveness. Instead, replace some words with synonyms or find antonyms. If you need help finding exactly the right words, use the shortcut menu to look up synonyms quickly or search a Thesaurus for more options. This feature can save you time and improve the quality and readability of your presentation. You can also install a Thesaurus for another language. Foreign language thesauruses can be accessed under Research Options on the Research task pane.

Use the Thesaurus


Click the Tools menu, and then click Research.


In the Search For list, select a Thesaurus.

Press and hold down the Alt key, and then click a word you want to look up.

TIMESAVER Right-click the word you want to look up, click Synonyms, and then click Thesaurus.

Point to the the word in the Research task pane.


Click the list arrow, and then click one of the following:

  • Click Insert to replace the word you looked up with the new word.

  • Click Copy to copy the new word and then paste it within the presentation.


When you're done, click the Close button on the task pane.



Did You Know?

You can search for more related words . In the Research task pane, click one of the words in the list of results.
