Network Programming for the MicrosoftВ® .NET Framework (Pro-Developer)


Nagle algorithm, 248, 321322, 333, 334

name resolution. See DNS (Domain Name System


defined, 7

Systems second-level namespaces, table of, 810

Threading, 48

NATs (Network Address Translators), 129, 130

Net namespace. See also System.Net

defined, 9

purpose of, 19

.NET remoting

abstract methods for channels, 279283

accessing remote class types, 263265

application domains, 262263

authentication, 271, 274

channel selection, 265267, 269

channels, custom, 275295

channels, HTTP, 270274

channels, TCP, 274275

class type registration, 265268, 269

client channel implementation, 283289

client configuration files, 268269

client-side set up, 267268

configuration file set up, 268270

custom channels, 275295

deserialization, 295

firewalls with, 271

formatter sinks, 289

HTTP channels, 270274

IIS as server, 270

interoperability, 271

IPC channels, 270

listening servers, implementing, 292294

marshal by reference, 264265

marshal by value, 263264, 265

namespace for, 19

programmatic set up, 265268

properties of HTTP channels, 271274

properties of TCP channels, 274275

remote class types, 262265

Remoting namespace, 9

RemotingConfiguration class, 265, 268, 269

request messages, 287288

security, 271, 316

server channel implementation, 289295

server configuration files, 269270

server sink provider chains, 294295

server transport sink providers, 290294

server-side set up, 265267

Setup provider methods, 279

SetupClientSinkProviders, 288289

TCP channels, 274275

transport sinks, 283288, 289

UDP channels, 277295

netstat, displaying sockets with, 184

Network Address Translators (NATs), 129, 130

network awareness, 338342

network classes. See System.Net

network failures, handling, 258

network fingerprinting, 338

network streams

asynchronous pattern with, 6365

bidirectionality of, 35

Close method for, 37, 39

creating, 3637

exceptions with, 36

handling I/O, 3739

NetworkStream class, 111

ownsSocket parameter, 37

Position property, lack of, 36

protocols for, 35

purpose of, 35

reading data from, 3738

sample applications, 39

Sockets class with, 35

writing data to, 3839

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 122

NetworkCredential class, 104105, 230231

NetworkStream class, 111

non-paged memory, 328

NTLM authentication, 336

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 122
