CCNA Exam Cram[tm] 2 (Exams 640-821, 640-811, 640-801)
In the final analysis, knowledge breeds confidence, and confidence breeds success. If you study the materials in this book carefully and review all of the exam questions at the end of each chapter, you should become aware of those areas where additional learning and study are required. Next, follow up by reading some or all of the materials recommended in the "Need to Know More?" section at the end of each chapter. The idea is to become familiar enough with the concepts and situations you find in the sample questions that you can reason your way through similar situations on a real exam. If you know the material, you have every right to be confident that you can pass the exam. After you have worked your way through the book, take the practice exam at the end of the book. This will provide a reality check and help you to identify areas that you need to study further. Make sure that you follow up and review materials related to the questions you miss on the practice exam before scheduling a real exam. Take the real exam only when you have covered all of the ground and feel comfortable with the whole scope of the practice exam.
If you prepare seriously, you should do well. After all, if old guys like us can pass the tests, you should have no problem. Good luck and let us know how you did! |