.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell


System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

This utility class provides two members , ShowHelp() and ShowHelpIndex() , which allow you to display HTML help files in your application.

There are several overrides of the ShowHelp() method. One allows you to show specific pages. Others show the index or contents page in a specified .chm , .col , or .htm help file.

For most simple help applications, you should consider using the HelpProvider component instead, which deals with Control.HelpRequested events, automatically showing the appropriate help for a Control .

public class Help { // Public Static Methods public static void ShowHelp (Control parent , string url ); public static void ShowHelp (Control parent , string url , HelpNavigator navigator ); public static void ShowHelp (Control parent , string url , HelpNavigator command , object param ); public static void ShowHelp (Control parent , string url , string keyword ); public static void ShowHelpIndex (Control parent , string url ); public static void ShowPopup (Control parent , string caption , System.Drawing.Point location ); }
