HP-UX CSE(c) Official Study Guide and Desk Reference


26.11 Checking the ASCII Package Control File ( cmcheckconf )

This is the same command that we used to check the ASCII cluster configuration. In this case, we are just checking our package configuration file. The cluster is up and running at this point. Adding packages online is perfectly acceptable. Here is the output from my running of cmcheckconf :

root@hpeos001[clockwatch] # cmcheckconf -v -k -P clockwatch.conf Checking existing configuration ... Done Gathering configuration information ... Done Parsing package file: clockwatch.conf. Attempting to add package clockwatch. Maximum configured packages parameter is 10. Configuring 1 package(s). 9 package(s) can be added to this cluster. Adding the package configuration for package clockwatch. Verification completed with no errors found. Use the cmapplyconf command to apply the configuration. root@hpeos001[clockwatch] #

As you can see, I have used the “k option. This is useful because it only checks the volume groups listed in the ASCII file as opposed to all volume groups on all nodes. When you are dealing with servers with lots of disks and lots of volume groups, this can be quite a timesaver. As before, any errors will need to be fixed before proceeding. Assuming that we don't get any errors, it is simply a matter of compiling the ASCII configuration file into the cluster binary and distributing it to all relevant nodes in the cluster.
