C++ Demystified(c) A Self-Teaching Guide
Object-oriented programming (OOP), 294295
cin, 204208
cout, 203204
file stream, 287289
Objects, cin, 5662
assigning compatible data type, 6061
assigning compatible data types, 5758
inputting multiple words into strings, 61
inputting values for multiple variables , 5860
overflow and underflow, 62
Objects with arrays, cin and cout, 202205
Ofstream constructor, fstream or, 275276
OOP (object-oriented programming), 294295
Open member functions, 273275
file modes, 274275
specifying files to be opened, 273274
Opening files for reading, 276277
and writing, 277
!, 119120
&&, 115117
, 117119
address, 4950
assignment, 93
combined assignment and arithmetic, 68
conditional, 9495
decrement, 127128
division, 7476
increment, 126127
increment and decrement, 125, 126130
indirection, 219220
logical, 109
logical And, 115, 116
logical Not, 119
logical Or, 117, 118
modulus , 76
precedence and logical And, 121122
precedence and logical Not, 121
precedence and logical Or, 121122
precedence between arithmetic, 7273
precedence between arithmetic and assignment, 6869
sizeof, 37
subtraction, 7071
using switch statements with logical, 122123
Operators, addition, 6770
adding strings, 6970
combined assignment and arithmetic operators, 68
overflow and underflow, 69
precedence between arithmetic and assignment operators, 6869
Operators, arithmetic, 65, 6677
addition operators, 6770
division operators, 7376
exponents, 7677
multiplication operators, 7172
project - change machine, 7780
subtraction operators, 7071
Operators, assignment, 5256
assigning compatible data types, 5354
overflow and underflow, 5456
Operators, division, 7376
division operators, 7476
modulus operators, 76
Operators, logical, 115122
&& operators, 115117
operators, 117119
! operators, 119120
precedence, 120122
Operators, multiplication, 7172
precedence between arithmetic operators, 7273
Operators, relational, 8487
precedence, 8687
relational expressions, 8586
Or operators
logical, 117, 118
precedence and logical, 121122
code and, 40
file, 269291
Overflow and underflow, 5456, 62, 69