ActionScripting in Flash MX



classifier, 556–57, 600

delay, 604

loss, 566

scheduler, 557, 600

size, 536

switch evolution, 227–28

Packet-filtering routers, 340–42

features, 340

information examined by, 340

problems, 341–42

rules, 341

Packet filters, 479–82

area and network, 481

capabilities, 479

defined, 479

examples, 479–81

issues, 481–82

lack of management, 481

Layer 2 type, 479–80

planning and transparency, 482

processing overhead, 481

security, 481

service type, 480–81

statelessness, 481

Packet switching, 52–53

circuit switching vs., 52–53

defined, 52

Passive backplane design, 457

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 330


aging, 330

guessing attacks, 307

one-time, 330

static, 330

Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD), 540–41


best, choosing, 168–69

multipath, 167–68

selection, 167–69

single, 167–68

See also Routing

Peer model, 381


broadcast, 66

characterizing, 3

CMIP, 666

DNS, 120–21

IKE, 375

Integrated Services (IS), 617

IPv6, 80

management, 635–36

NAT, 136–37

network, 2–3

RIP, 185

SNMP, 653–54

VPN, 384–85

Per Hop Behavior (PHB), 619–20

consistency, 620

default, 620

defined, 619

standard, 620

See also Differentiated Services (DS)

Peripheral switching, 460

Personal firewalls, 345

Phasing, requirements, 6–8

Physical Layer

OSI reference model, 18

TCP/IP protocol suite, 27

Pilot test, 14

PIM, 275–81

defined, 275–76

dense-mode, 276–78

design issues, 280–81

development, 276

interoperability, 282

mixed-mode, 280

RP configuration, 280

RP performance consideration, 280–81

sparse-mode, 278–80

See also Multicast routing

Ping, 682–87

BSD UNIX option definitions, 684–85

defined, 682

MS-DOS option definitions, 683–84

operations, 682–83

options, 683–85

potential problems, 686–87

problems when using, 683

uses, 682

using, 685–86

See also Software diagnostic tools

Ping of death, 315

Ping sweep, 315


brainstorming and, 13

design, 12–14

documentation and, 13–14

technology choices and, 12–13

Point-to-point meshing, 420–22

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 326

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 353


clients, 704

console, 702–3

default QoS, 702

default routing, 703

default security, 702

defined, 700–701

distribution, 704–5

peripherals, 702

profiles, 706

repository, 703

security, 316–19

servers, 703–4

Policy-based management, 699–707, 708

benefits, 70, 700

components, 702–5

COPS, 705

defined, 700

deployment illustration, 701

design and implementation issues, 706–7

services, 701

vendors, 707

See also Network management

Policy-Based Routing (PBR), 576–78

defined, 574, 576

implementations, 577

policies, 577

router behavior and, 578

Port Address Translation (PAT), 134

Port hashing techniques, 515–19


faults, 460

fault-tolerance approaches, 461–62

multiple, supplies, 462–63

reliability, 460–63

sags, 460

spikes, 461

surges, 460

Presentation Layer (OSI reference model), 18

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 337

Priority queuing, 494–95

defined, 494

illustrated, 494

uses, 495

Private intranet addressing, 73–74

migration to public network access, 74

registered private addresses, 73–74

Proprietary header compression, 485

Protocol analyzers, 694–96

defined, 694

examples, 694–95

expert, 694

illustrated example, 695

performance parameters, 696

Protocol-based security services, 334–38

IPSec, 338

PGP, 337

SET, 338

S-HTTP, 336

S-MIME, 337

SSH, 336–37

SSL, 334–36

See also Security

Protocol-Independent Multicast. See PIM

Protocol optimization, 536–41

fragmentation, 537

frame/packet size, 536

TCP/IP tuning, 538–41

window sizes, 537–38

Protocols, 24–37

ARP, 83–91

BGMP, 288

BGP, 205–19

boot, 475

BOOTP, 92–95

CHAP, 330–31

CMOL, 664

CMOT, 664

COPS, 705

DHCP, 95–102

DVMRP, 264–72

EIGRP, 175, 176–77

GRE, 353, 356

HSRP, 439, 452–54

ICMP, 31, 102–5, 447

IGMP, 239, 256–61

IIOP, 24

IKE, 371–76

IKMP, 371

IP protocol suite, 25–37

IS-IS, 175, 176

L2F, 353

L2TP, 353

LDAP, 59, 125, 126–31, 130–31

LDP, 582

LPP, 664

MBGP, 287

MSDP, 288

OSPF, 175–76, 187–204

PAP, 330

PPP, 326

PPTP, 353

RAMP, 297

RARP, 90–91

RIP, 175, 177–87

RSVP, 563, 604–16

RTCP, 292–93

RTP, 289–92

RTSP, 293–94

SCCP, 298

SDAP, 298

SIP, 298

SKIP, 331

SNMP, 636, 637–55

SSL, 326, 334–36

TFTP, 34–35, 310

types of, 24

unnecessary, disabling, 475–76

VRRP, 439, 442–52

vulnerability, 308–12

WCCP, 531

Proxies, 342–43

Proxy ARP, 88–90

applications, 88

defined, 88

illustrated example applications, 89

issues, 90

See also Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

Proxy server techniques, 454–55

Proxy services, 520–22

benefits, 520

examples, 520–22

keep-alive spoofing, 521–22

routing announcements, 521

service announcements, 520–21

Pruning and grafting, 253, 269–71

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), 322–26

applications, 326

architectural model, 323

caching and, 526

Certificate Authorities (CAs), 324–25

Certificate Repositories (CRs), 325

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), 325–26

defined, 322

digital signatures, 324

Registration Authorities (RAs), 325

services, 322

X.509 digital certificates, 323–24

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), 52
