Investigators Guide to Steganography

Disabling Information

We have seen, through steganalysis, that we can detect the existence of hidden information, thereby defeating the imperceptibility that steganography tries to maintain. However, there are methods other than detection that are much more effective. These methods are called active attacks and rather than try to detect hidden information, their purpose is to destroy it. The primary advantage of using active over passive attacks is that they are easier to implement because it is easier to destroy than detect. Following are some active attack methods and their descriptions.

With all of these ways to disable hidden information, how does steganography stand up to these types of active attacks? The simple truth is it does not, especially when more than one is applied in succession, as is the case with the StirMark tool. Watermarking tools, which do not have to work at secrecy, tend to fare much better but are still subject to being damaged by these attacks.
