Real World Mac Maintenance and Backups. Industrial-Strength Techniques


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BackJack 2nd

Backup 3

backup hardware [See also hard disks; optical media.]

     advantages of hard disks for

     Amazon S3

     camcorders as

     flash drives

     iDisk as

     Internet backup services

     Iomega REV disks

     Iomega Zip and Jazz disks

     local network servers

     magneto-optical disks

     optical media


     recommendations for

     tape drives


backup media [See also hard disks; optical media.]


     network backups using optical or removable


Backup Simplicity 2nd 3rd

backup software [See also Retrospect.]

     Apple's Backup v.3

     archiving features of

     archiving software 2nd

     combining duplication and archiving features 2nd

     duplication software 2nd

     evaluating duplication programs

     file formats, compression, and encryption

     recommendations for

     restoration from

     restoring full archive as bootable volume

     snapshots and file lists

     source and destination options for

     support and reputation of

     Unix utilities as

backup strategies [See also archives; duplicates.]


     assessing need for archives

     before system upgrades

     client-server backups

     creating archives

     daily backups of changed files

     digital photos and 2nd


     incremental or differential backups

     keeping multiple backups

     need for duplicates and 2nd

     optical media for

     overview 2nd

     redundancy and

     rotating backups offsite

     sample types of

     scheduling backups

     small network backups

     video and audio files 2nd

     weekly backups of all files


     yearly archival backups to DVD

backup systems [See also archives; duplicates.]

     archive setup

     automating backups


     duplicate setup

     FileVault and

     hardware testing for

     installing and testing software

     labeling media and files

     off-site storage

     partitioning hard disks

     recycling vs. long-term archives

     restoring data from backups

     testing 2nd

BackupSW 2nd 3rd


books on troubleshooting

Boot Camp

bootable backups

     duplicates and 2nd 3rd 4th

     evaluating programs that make

     Intel Macs and 2nd

     making before system upgrades

     network volumes and

     restoring archive as

     using Mac OS 9 for

BounceBack Professional 2nd

BRU LE 2nd 3rd 4th
