For the Practicing Manager. Building Your Team's Morale, Pride and Spirit

The leader is an important factor in the success or failure of any team. People choose to follow leaders because of who they are and what they represent. Effective leaders create an environment in which team members can function well. They ensure that needed resources are on hand. They don t create barriers and distractions that would hinder the team s operations ”they remove them. They don t generate problems but address and solve existing problems that are beyond the scope of the team members . They accept responsibility for everything the team does and does not do. They set a positive example at all times and in all areas. They protect their workers from external interference or criticism. They are wise enough to know that they cannot focus on achieving results alone. In today s world they must simultaneously do three things in order to be successful leaders: achieve the desired results, develop and take care of employees , and conduct themselves in an ethical manner. Included in ethical conduct is community, social, and environmental consciousness. To create an environment where morale , pride , and spirit can thrive, a leader must have the capacity to do all of these things. Any gaps in these areas would limit the success of the effort.

Use the following checklist (pages 13 “15) to assess your current level of readiness and to determine capabilities that you need to develop further.

Are You Up to the Task?

To create morale, pride, and spirit within a team, a leader should possess certain characteristics and skills. These elements relate primarily to meeting the social needs of team members. Use this checklist to see where you stand.

