ppk on JavaScript, 1/e


Eight-server replication topology, 432

E-mail, SQL Mail for, 95-97

Emergency mode, placing a database in, 188

Enable Trace Stop Time option, 255

Enterprise Edition, downgrading to Standard Edition, 22

Enterprise environment, SQL Server in, 259-454

Enterprise Manager

adding extended stored procedure, 177-179

adding an operator, 103

advent of, 4

attaching a database, 295-296

backing up files and file groups, 273

caching data, 309

configuring a linked server, 310-312

configuring linked server security, 307-308

creating linked servers, 302-304

creating a maintenance plan, 278-279

Design Table screen, 201

detaching a database, 294

differential database restores, 287

full backups, 264-268

full database restores, 282-284

Replication Monitor, 452

Replication Monitor group, 436

replication setup, 432-437

setting the database recovery model, 275-276

setting a table-level extended property, 200

time for connecting to SQL Server through, 215

transaction log restores, 288

Enterprise standards, documenting, 222

Entire table (replication option), 421

Error 229, 72

Error 4305, 289

Error 7395, 330

Error 8626, 333

Error logs, viewing, 100, 184, 489, 493

Error message severity levels, 135-137

Error messages

creating, 134

listing installed, 465

managing, 134-138

verbose, 318-321

Error numbers, 134

Errorlog (SQL Server error log), 8


jumping to code lines of, 166

raising, 137-138

unable to write to mailslot, 7

ESTIMATEONLY parameter, 186

Evaluation Edition (SQL Server), upgrading from, 21, 297

Event ID 2506 bug, 413

Event Properties dialog box, 364

Event types to trap (in Profiler), 255-256

Event Viewer, logging events to from T-SQL, 492

Events tab (Trace Properties screen), 255-256

Everyone group, removing from registry keys, 82


for analyzing data, 160

with spreadsheet columns over 255 characters, 216

Exception file logging, in DTS Designer, 130

EXEC command, 237

Executing packages, 121-123, 129

Executing packages from within packages, 129

Executing programs using T-SQL, 486

EXISTS clause vs. IN clause, 242

Extended properties, 199-203

deleting, 202

modifying in Query Analyzer, 200

retrieving on a table, 202-203

setting with GUI tools, 199-200

setting in T-SQL, 201-203

Extended stored procedures, 176-184, 485-496

adding in Enterprise Manager, 177-179

calling, 178

listing all, 177

security risks of, 177, 179

testing, 179

Extent Scan Fragmentation, 249, 251
