Absolute Beginners Guide to Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Wrapping Text in Cells

When you need to insert a long entry into a cell , adjusting the column width and row height may not provide the entry with sufficient room. In such cases, consider having Excel wrap the text in the cell. With the wrap feature on, Excel places the entry on two or more lines within the cell, adjusting the row height as needed to accommodate the additional lines. To wrap text in a cell, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell(s) in which you want text to wrap.

  2. Open the Format menu and choose Cells . The Format Cells dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Alignment tab.

  4. Click Wrap Text to place a check mark in its box, as shown in Figure 5.3.

    Figure 5.3. You can choose to have text wrap inside a cell.

  5. Click OK .
