Inserting Cells As you enter data into a worksheet, you might skip an entry and end up typing all subsequent entries in the wrong cells. Fortunately, Excel enables you to insert blank cells right in the middle of a data area. Excel then shifts adjacent cells right or down to accommodate the new cells. To insert cells, here's what you do: -
Click a cell or drag over a block of cells where you want the new cell (s) inserted. Excel will insert the same number of cells as the number you select. -
Open the Insert menu and choose Cells . The Insert dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 5.9, asking which direction you want adjacent cells shifted. Figure 5.9. Specify the direction in which you want cells to shift. -
Choose one of the following options: Shift Cells Right moves the selected cell(s) to the right to make room for the new cell(s). Shift Cells Down moves the selected cell(s) down to make room for the new cell(s). Entire Row inserts entire row(s) above the currently selected row(s). Entire Column inserts entire column(s) to the left of the currently selected column(s). -
Click OK . Excel inserts the number of blank cells that matches the number of selected cells and shifts adjacent cells in the specified direction. |