Absolute Beginners Guide to Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Deleting Rows and Columns

In Chapter 4, "Entering and Editing Labels and Values," you learned how to clear the contents, formatting, and comments from selected rows and columns. Clearing removes the contents of the rows and columns, leaving the rows and columns intact. Deleting rows and columns completely removes them, including anything they contain. To completely remove rows or columns, take these steps:

  1. Click the row or column heading for the row or column you want to delete. To select multiple rows or columns, drag over their headings.

  2. Open the Edit menu and choose Delete . Excel immediately removes the selected rows or columns and shifts rows up (or columns left) to fill in the space left by the deleted rows or columns.


To delete a row or column, right-click the heading for the row or column you want to delete and choose Delete .
