Tivo Hacks. 100 Industrial-strength Tips Tools 2003
Hack 94 How Do You Watch TV?
Compute your hunt-and-peck percentage to truly find out what kind of a viewer you are .
Are you a watch-the-show-all-the-way-through kind of TiVo user , or do you hunt and peck, watching 5 minutes of a show and moving on? Do you never finish watching what is on your Now Showing List ? Continuing our personal data mining, let's find out what kind of person you areat least according to your TiVo. We'll compute your hunt-and-peck percentagewhat percentage, on average, of a show you typically watchdown to the second. And with a little JavaScript magic, we'll share the outcome with the world on your web page.
The Code
proc action_huntandpeck { chan path env } { global db # pull out the first 50 todo list shows from the database set tododir "/Recording/NowShowingByTitle" RetryTransaction { set files [mfs scan $tododir -count 50] } set nshows 0 set pshows 0 while { [llength $files] > 0 } { # iterate through the shows we extracted foreach rec $files { set fsid [lindex $rec 0] RetryTransaction { # get the object that represents this recording. # also figure out of the person has played this # program then stopped -- if they did, the # bookmark will be set set recordingobj [db $db openid $fsid] set bookmark [dbobj $recordingobj get Bookmark] if { $bookmark != "" } { incr pshows } incr nshows } } # and grab the next 50 television shows set lastName [lindex [lindex $files end] 1] RetryTransaction { set files [mfs scan $tododir -start $lastName -count 50] } if { $lastName == [lindex [lindex $files 0] 1] } { set files [lrange $files 1 end] } } puts $chan "document.write( \"<span class=\"hptext\">My TiVo [RETURN] Hunt-and-Peck Ratio is</span> <span class=\"hpnum\"> [RETURN] [expr ( $pshows * 1.0 ) / ( $nshows * 1.0 )]</span>\" );\ } register_module "huntandpeck" "HuntAndPeck" "Are you a hunter or a pecker?"
This hack is in the form of another TiVoWeb module [Hack #93]. Save this code as huntandpeck.itcl in the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/modules directory on your TiVo. Restart TiVoWeb by choosing Restart
Running the Hack
Simply insert the following line into your HTML document where you'd like your hunt-and-peck percentage to appear:
<script language="JavaScript" src="http:// my_tivo /huntandpeck"> </script>
Replace my_tivo with the hostname or IP address of your TiVo.
Upon encountering this tag, JavaScript-enabled web browsers (most modern browsers) will grab a fresh copy of your hunt-and-peck ratio from your TiVo, inserting it right into the page, like so:
document.write( "<span class=\"hptext\">My TiVo Hunt-and-Peck Ratio [RETURN] is</span><span class=\"hpnum\"> 0.204081632653</span> " );
Apparently, I hunt and peck 20% of the time. Who'd have thunk it?
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