Tivo Hacks. 100 Industrial-strength Tips Tools 2003
Hack 35 Poking Around
With a Bash prompt and some basic Unix utilities, let's get a lay of the land .
Before we really start mucking around, it's best to bring out that inner Boy Scout and whip out a map. Let's get a quick tour of the filesystem.
If you go to the top-level directory on the TiVo and list all the directories, you will find a superset of those listed here. The directories and their contents may vary from TiVo model to TiVo model, but these are almost certainly going to be there:
- bin
Contains most commonly used Unix programs and commands: bash , cat , cp , cpio , du , grep , gzip , ln , mkdir , mount , mv , rm , rz , sz , umount , uname , etc. This can be supplemented by bringing additional Unix binaries onboard [Hack #31], [Hack #34].
- dev
Contains special device interfaces for the hard disks and serial ports.
- etc
Contains configuration files for the Linux side of TiVo. Files in this directory specify everything from which programs should be launched on power-up to the specifics of how the system logger should run.
- lib
Holds the two libraries that all the compiled executable programs running on the TiVo are linked against, along with the kernel modules to be loaded as needed.
- sbin
Contains programs needed by the Linux operating system, including pppd , restart , route , and rsh .
- tmp
Contains temporary files.
- tvbin
Home of the programs constituting the brains of TiVothings like myworld , the actual TiVo program, and tivosh , a TiVo-specific shell under which the various maintenance scripts slave away in the background.
- tvlib
Contains all the interesting data files used by the programs in tvbin . In tvlib , you'll find subdirectories like font which contains true type fonts for everything on the screenand data which has a listing of all the actors and directors the TiVo puts up on the screen in its famousActors and famousDirectors files.
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