Tivo Hacks. 100 Industrial-strength Tips Tools 2003


The following people contributed their hacks, writing, and inspiration to this book:


First and foremost, to my family, friends, and to Kelly Dobson: thank you all for believing in me and giving me the emotional support to make it through writing this book. And Kelly, thank you for being there, being my rock, and reminding me that taking a nap for a few hours is preferable to staying up all night.

TiVo, Inc., thanks for such a great box. If I didn't own one, my studies would go better, but I'm still glad I have one. I'm sure you hear this all the time, but if you ever need a spokesperson or a beta tester, I'm here.

And, speaking of beta testing, Todd Larason, thank you for beta testing this work and keeping me on the straight and narrow.

Thank you to the communities at tivocommunity.com , dealdatabase.com , and alt.org . It's been fun hanging out. Thanks for all the ideas, the help, and the code. Also, to my unnamed TiVo friend: thank you.

Many thanks to Tim O'Reilly and everybody at O'Reilly who even considered this a worthwhile topic to write a book on.

And lastly, more thanks than I could ever express to Rael Dornfest. Rael, you've been a great friend, a great manager, a great editor, and just an amazing person to work with. Thank you for pushing me to get this done. Thank you for all your help. Let's do it again sometime.

