The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction (3rd Edition)


As Tim Lister says, "All the risk-free projects have been done." [2] The software development process primarily takes care of the known aspects of software development. You can precisely describe, schedule, assign, or review only what you know must be done. Risk management takes care of the unknown aspects. Many organizations work in a "risk denial" mode: estimating and planning proceed as if all variables were known and as if the work were mechanical and the personnel interchangeable.

[2] Software Risk Management Is Software Project Management , Seminar at Software Productivity Center, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 1996.

What Is a Risk?

Many decisions in an iterative lifecycle are driven by risks. To make effective decisions, you need a good grasp of the risks the project faces and clear strategies for mitigating or dealing with them.

In everyday life, a risk is an exposure to loss or injury or a factor, thing, element, or course that involves uncertain danger. We can define risk more specifically in software development as a variable that, within its normal distribution, can take a value that endangers or eliminates success for a project.

In plain terms, a risk is whatever may stand in our way to success and is currently unknown or uncertain. We can define success as meeting the entire set of all requirements and constraints held as project expectations by those in power.

We can qualify risks further as direct or indirect:

We can also add two important attributes:

These two attributes often can be combined in a single risk magnitude indicator , and five discrete values are sufficient: high, significant, moderate, minor, and low.

Strategies: How to Cope with Risks

The key idea in risk management is that you not wait passively until a risk becomes a problem (or kills the project) before you decide what to do with it. For each perceived risk, you must decide in advance what you are going to do.

Three main routes are possible: [3]

[3] Barry W. Boehm, "Software Risk Management: Principles and Practice," IEEE Software , Jan. 1991, pp. 32 “41.

When accepting a risk, you should do two things:

Risks play a major role in planning iterations, as you will see later.
