RFID Sourcebook (paperback)

4.3. Conclusion

Fueled by the rapid rate of advancement of RFID technology and the products available, the range of RFID application types is continuously expanding. Some application types are already mature and being used commercially; other promising types are currently in the prototype stage. Several of these types might be commercially deployed in the future, depending on the results of the prototypes, the willingness of the business community to invest capital and undertake the risks, and consumer and user acceptance. This chapter covered some of these important application types from several aspects. The types discussed here are by no means exhaustive. By the time you read this book, other application types might exist that were not available at the time of writing; this is especially true regarding emerging application types. However, from the information you have learned in this chapter regarding the important types and their members, you should have no problem understanding and classifying and unfamiliar ones as you are exposed to them.
