Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!

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Score Editor Window

The Score Editor window, like the Key, Drum, List, and Audio editing windows , is available from the MIDI menu.

How To

To launch the Score Editor:

In the Score Editor, you have two basic display modes: Page mode (SX only) and Edit mode. You can switch from Page mode to Edit mode by selecting the option in the Score menu. This is a toggle option, meaning that if you are in Edit mode, the option displays Page mode to switch to that mode, and, inversely, if you are in Page mode, the option displays Edit mode. By default, Cubase opens the editor in Edit mode. The main difference between the two is that Page mode is like the Page Display mode on a word processor: It lets you see the page as it will appear once printed and includes the elements that are part of the page layout. Therefore, you can position your title, add printing elements, and so on. Both editing modes display similar toolbars , so let's look at the functions of these tools.

Whenever you make a staff active by clicking in the area to the left of a staff, the content found in another opened editing window reflects the content of that activated staff. An active staff displays a thick border at the beginning of each staff line, and the Score Editor's title bar shows the name of the active staff. In Figure 16.2, the Cello staff is the active one.

Figure 16.2. The active staff indicatorin this case, the Cello is active; any other opened editing window also displays this staff.

There are five separate rows of tools inside the Score Editor. Which ones are visible is determined by the first toolbar's Show/Hide buttons (see Figure 16.3).

Figure 16.3. From left to right: Show/Hide Info , Tool Strip, Filter view.

Let's look at each of these rows to understand its purpose:

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