Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!

[ LiB ]

Chapter 2. A Guided Tour of Cubase SX/SL

This chapter provides an overview of Cubase SX/SL's many workspaces. Veteran Cubase users will find this chapter useful in providing information about new features, windows, panels, and workspaces. For all you Cubase "newbies," welcome to the Cubase family of users. You will get acquainted with the different windows and tools in this chapter and find out how to access these windows . It's always good to go through a quick overview to get a first impression , then stop reading, look at the software, and find where things are located to get a sense of the working environment. Look at this chapter as your guided tour to a world of possibilities.

Here's a summary of what you will learn in this chapter:

To make sure you understand the terminology, here's how some of these elements are defined:

[ LiB ]
