Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!
[ LiB ] |
Chapter 11. Project Editing
The Project window is your main working area. This area is where you record audio and MIDI events and edit different track parameters through the Inspector or Track List area. However, the Event Display area is where you will do most of your editing tasks . When you can't do it in there, that's when you open an editor to fine-tune these editing decisions.
Because the editing capabilities of Cubase are quite extensive , you need to understand that the options available at any given time depend on the context itself. In most cases, this context is determined by the selection or the window in which you are working. For example, if you select a part, the Dissolve Part option is available but the Events to Part option is not. When you select an event, the Dissolve Part option is not available, but the Events to Part option is.
There are different ways to select what you want in the Project window. When you want to select objects, you can use the Object Selection tool; when you want to select a range, you can use the Range Selection tool. In some cases, you can use items found in the Select submenu options (Edit > Select). For example, you can use the Select from Cursor to End option, which selects all objects crossing the cursor's location or appearing after it in the Project window.
Here's a summary of what you will learn in this chapter:
What are the differences between destructive and nondestructive editing?
How to work with the different zooming functions, menus , and tools.
What are the differences between MIDI functions and MIDI parameters?
What are the differences between audio events, regions , and parts ?
How to work with fade envelopes attached to objects in the Project window.
What can you do with the audio objects in your Project window?
How to edit events and parts inside the Event Display area of the Project window.
How the Audio Part Editor works and what is its relation to the Project window?
[ LiB ] |