Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!

[ LiB ]

Hiding and Removing Automation Subtracks

When working with automation, you can hide automation tracks that you don't need to see in order to clear up your working area. Hiding automation subtracks does not prevent automation from being read. If you don't want to hear the changes made by automation, simply turn the Read Automation button off. At any time, you can also mute a specific type of automation by clicking the Mute Automation button in the subtrack's Track List area. For example, Figure 13.12 displays the Pan parameter automation as muted, whereas the Volume parameter automation is not muted. This means that the track plays the volume automation, but not the pan automation.

Figure 13.12. The subtrack's Mute Automation button.

How To

To hide automation subtracks:

How To

To remove automation subtracks:

[ LiB ]
