Microsoft .NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit (Pro-Developer)


J prefix, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

J-Integra, Using a Java-to-COM Bridge


.NET Remoting, Introducing Intrinsyc's Ja.NET, Ja.NET Installation, Type Mappings, Events, Exception Handling

samples, Intrinsyc Ja.NET 1.4

Ja.NET runtime, Ja.NET Tools

Ja.NET TCP server, Ja.NET Tools

Ja.NET TCP server hosting samples

.NET client to Java object sample, .NET Client to Java Object Hosted by Ja.NET TCP Server, The .NET Client Sample Code

JAASRealm, Enabling Authentication and Authorization for the Java Web Service


.NET client to EJB sample, The Java EJB Sample Code

.NET client to Java object sample, The Java Server Sample Code

described, Ja.NET Tools

Java client to .NET object sample, The Java Client Sample Code

Java client to .NET remoted object sample, The Java Client Sample Code

JAR (Java Archive) files

.NET Remoting, The Java EJB Sample Code

overview, Building a Java Application

SQL Server connectivity with JDBC, Simple JDBC Access

JAR.EXE, Building a Java Application

Java, Summary

building applications, Building a Java Application, Building and Deploying to a J2EE Application Server

class sharing, Locating and Sharing Other Classes

command line, Java IDEs

component sharing, Hosting Components

downloading, Building a Java Application

editions, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

overview, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

reference information, References and Resources

security, Enabling Authentication and Authorization for the Java Web Service, Configuring Credentials for the Java Client

vs. .NET, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

Web applications, Creating Applications for the Web

XML parsers, XML Parsing, Limitations of Parsing XML

XML serialization, XML Serialization for the Java Platform, Serializing an Object to XML, Deserializing an Object from XML, What About JAXB?

Java APIs for XML (JAX)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

Java APIs for XML Binding (JAXB)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

Java APIs for XML Messaging (JAXM)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

Java APIs for XML Registies (JAXR)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

Java APIs for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)

described, What About JAXB?

Java Archive (JAR) files

.NET Remoting, The Java EJB Sample Code

overview, Building a Java Application

SQL Server connectivity with JDBC, Simple JDBC Access

vs. assemblies, Building a .NET Application

Java certificates, Creating the Windows X.509 certificate, Creating the Java certificate

Java client exceptions, Java Client to Unavailable .NET Web Service, Java Client to Unavailable .NET Web Service Method, Unauthorized Java Client to .NET Web Service, Java Client Connecting to a .NET Web Service Method that Throws an Exception

Java client to .NET object sample (Component Services)

.NET serviced component code, The .NET Serviced Component Sample Code

Java client code, The Java Client Sample Code

Java client to .NET remoted object sample (.NET)

.NET server code, The .NET Server Sample Code

Java client code, The Java Client Sample Code

overview, Java Client to .NET Remoted Object

Java client to .NET remoted object sample (IIS)

.NET server code, The .NET Server Sample Code

Java client code, The Java Client Sample Code

overview, Java Client to .NET Remoted Object, Hosted by IIS

validating data, Analyzing the Samples with the SOAP Trace Utility

Java Client to Unavailable .NET Web Service exception, Java Client to Unavailable .NET Web Service

Java Client to Unavailable .NET Web Service Method exception, Java Client to Unavailable .NET Web Service Method

Java code samples

environmental variables, Setting Environment Variables

installing, Installing the Sample Code

overview, Java/J2EE Environment

products listed, Microsoft Products, Downloading an evaluation

running, Building and Running the Sample Code, Setting Environment Variables

Java collection mappings, Type Mappings

Java data types

vs. .NET data types, Type Mappings

Java exception handling, Exception Handling

Java interoperability

binary data exchange, Running the Java Client

message queues, WebSphere MQ Support for Java, Differences Between the Java and .NET Classes

MSMQ, Java Interoperability Options with MSMQ, Creating a Web Service Interface

Java Message Service (LMS), Using a JMS Provider for MSMQ

Java messaging interoperability., see also msmq-mqseries bridge

Java Messaging Service (JMS)

.NET interoperability, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener, Key Elements of the Sample

GLUE, SOAP/JMS Support in GLUE, SOAP/JMS Messages and Interoperability with .NET

Java Naming and Directory Interface, JMS, WebSphere MQ, and Interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics

JMS listeners, sending to, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener

Message Driven Beans, Topic-Driven Interoperability with Message Driven Beans, Key Elements of the Sample

messaging types, JMS Message Types and Concepts

overview, Introduction to JMS

publish/subscribe topics, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics

queues, accessing, Using JMS to Access WebSphere MQ Queues

SOAP, SOAP Support for WebSphere MQ, IBM SupportPac MA0R

SupportPac MA0R, IBM SupportPac MA0R

topic interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics, Key Elements of the Sample

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), Publishing the Sample EJBs

JMS object registration, JMS, WebSphere MQ, and Interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics

JMSAdmin, configuring with, Using JMSAdmin to Configure JNDI, Persistent and Nonpersistent JNDI with JMSAdmin

queues, accessing, Using JMS to Access WebSphere MQ Queues

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) lookups, .NET Client to EJB, Hosted by J2EE Application Server

Java platform

overview, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

Java proxies

.NET client to EJB sample, The Java EJB Sample Code

described, Introducing Intrinsyc's Ja.NET

Java client to .NET object sample, The Java Client Sample Code

Java client to .NET remoted object sample, The Java Client Sample Code

Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

described, What Is an XML Web Service?

Java Server Pages (JSP)

ASP.NET interoperability, Interoperability at the Presentation Tier

overview, Creating Applications for the Web

Java Server Pages (JSP)., see also presentation tier interoperability

Java Servlets, Creating Applications for the Web

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

overview, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

samples, Java/J2EE Environment

Java Web services

BizTalk Server, Building the Web Services, The Stock Processes Orchestration: Step by Step, Testing the Orchestration

vendor support, Maintain Neutrality Regarding .NET and Java

Java Web services., see also web services security

Java 2 Enterprise Edition., see j2ee

Java 2 Micro Edition., see j2me

Java 2 SDK, Building a Java Application

Java 2 Standard Edition., see java

Java-to-COM bridge, MSMQ, Using a Java-to-COM Bridge

Java., see also java web services

JAVA.EXE, Locating and Sharing Other Classes package, The Java sample code class, How the Sample Code Works

java.lang.Serializable interface, What Is Serialization?

JAVAC.EXE, Locating and Sharing Other Classes

javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean, Topic-Driven Interoperability with Message Driven Beans

javax.jms.BytesMessage, JMS Message Types and Concepts

javax.jms.MapMessage, JMS Message Types and Concepts, Key Elements of the Sample

javax.jms.Message, Key Elements of the Sample

javax.jms.Message interface, JMS Message Types and Concepts

javax.jms.ObjectMessage, JMS Message Types and Concepts

javax.jms.Queue, Key Elements of the Sample

javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory, Using JMSAdmin to Configure JNDI

javax.jms.StreamMessage, JMS Message Types and Concepts

javax.jms.TextMessage, JMS Message Types and Concepts

javax.jms.Topic, Key Elements of the Sample

javax.servlet.http.HttpSession object, Challenges of Interoperating at the Presentation Tier

javx.jms.BytesMessage, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener

javx.jms.MapMessage, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener

JAX (Java APIs for XML)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

JAX-RPC (Java APIs for XML-based RPC)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

JAXB (Java APIs for XML Binding)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding)

described, What About JAXB?

JAXM (Java APIs for XML Messaging)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

JAXP (Java APIs for XML Processing)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

JAXR (Java APIs for XML Registeries)

described, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

JBoss, Java/J2EE Environment

JMS object registration, Using JMSAdmin to Configure JNDI

MDB support, Configuring MDB for JBoss and WebSphere MQ, Deploying the MDB

shared session state, Installing the J2EE Sample Code

JBossMQ, Configuring MDB for JBoss and WebSphere MQ, Deploying the MDB


data access and, Open Data Access

drivers, Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Using JDBC

SQL Server connectivity, Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Using JDBC, Simple JDBC Access

JDBC connections

shared session state, Installing the J2EE Sample Code

JMS (Java Message Service), Using a JMS Provider for MSMQ

JMS (Java Messaging Service)

.NET interoperability, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener, Key Elements of the Sample

GLUE, SOAP/JMS Support in GLUE, SOAP/JMS Messages and Interoperability with .NET

Java Naming and Directory Interface, JMS, WebSphere MQ, and Interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics

JMS listeners, sending to, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener

Message Driven Beans, Topic-Driven Interoperability with Message Driven Beans, Key Elements of the Sample

messaging types, JMS Message Types and Concepts

overview, Introduction to JMS

publish/subscribe topics, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics

queues, accessing, Using JMS to Access WebSphere MQ Queues

SOAP, SOAP Support for WebSphere MQ, IBM SupportPac MA0R

SupportPac MA0R, IBM SupportPac MA0R

topic interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics, Key Elements of the Sample

JMSAdmin, Using JMSAdmin to Configure JNDI, Persistent and Nonpersistent JNDI with JMSAdmin

JNBridge, Additional Java Support for .NET Remoting

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), Publishing the Sample EJBs

JMS object registration, JMS, WebSphere MQ, and Interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics

JMSAdmin, configuring with, Using JMSAdmin to Configure JNDI, Persistent and Nonpersistent JNDI with JMSAdmin

queues, accessing, Using JMS to Access WebSphere MQ Queues

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) lookups, .NET Client to EJB, Hosted by J2EE Application Server

jndiName element, Publishing the Sample EJBs

JSP (Java Server Pages)

ASP.NET interoperability, Interoperability at the Presentation Tier

overview, Creating Applications for the Web

JSP-based presentation tier, Creating Applications for the Web

JSPID, Viewing the Data Stored in SQL

JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

overview, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

samples, Java/J2EE Environment

J2EE, Summary

building applications, Building a Java Application, Building and Deploying to a J2EE Application Server

command line, Java IDEs

component sharing, Hosting Components

deploying applications, Building and Deploying to a J2EE Application Server

JAX, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

overview, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers

reference information, References and Resources

technology map, Microsoft.NET and J2EE Technology Map

Web applications, Creating Applications for the Web

Web services and, Web Services and the J2EE Specification

J2EE application servers

.NET Remoting samples, .NET Client to EJB, Hosted by J2EE Application Server, The .NET Client Sample Code

Web services, The Web Services Landscape

J2EE code samples

installing, Installing the Sample Code

overview, Java/J2EE Environment

products listed, Microsoft Products, Downloading an evaluation

running, Building and Running the Sample Code, Setting Environment Variables

J2EE interoperability

business tier component reuse, Reuse of Business Tier Components, Performance Issues

business tier resource sharing, Business Tier Resource Sharing

overview, Chapter 2: Business Requirements for Interoperability

point-to-point, Point-to-Point Interoperability

presentation tier, Interoperability at the Presentation Tier

resource tier, Resource Tier Interoperability

technology-aligned development, Technology-Aligned Development

J2EE serialization, Challenges of Interoperating at the Presentation Tier

J2EE., see also java

J2ME, Summary
