Beginning Fedora 2
This section looks at the file organization of Fedora 2 in general, based on the various utilities that are available and the location of configuration files. The root filesystem is indicated by the /. The contents of the root filesystem follow: $ ls -F / bin/ dev/ home/ lib/ misc/ opt/ root/ tftpboot/ usr/ boot/ etc/ initrd/ lost+found/ mnt/ proc/ sbin/ tmp/ var/
The utility programs are organized under the /bin , /usr/bin , and /usr/local/bin directories. The following tables list some of the common programs under these directories. It is very useful to ensure that these directories are set in the PATH environment variable.
Note | Remember, you can get full information on each of these by querying their man pages, and abridged details by typing the command followed by “ “ help . |
Let s look at each of these directories in some detail.
The table that follows lists commands that are located in the /bin directory.
Command | Description |
awk | Pattern-scanning and processing language |
bash | The Bourne-again shell |
cat | Concatenates files and prints on to standard output |
chgrp | Changes the group ownership |
chmod | Changes file access permissions |
chown | Changes file ownership permissions |
cp | Copies files and directories |
cpio | Copies files to and from archives |
csh | C-shell |
cut | Removes sections from each line of input |
date | Prints the current date and timestamp; super user may set the date and time |
dd | Converts and copies files |
Df | Displays disk usage for filesystems |
dmesg | Displays startup messages |
echo | Displays a line of text |
ed | An old text editor |
grep | Regular expression-matching program |
gzip | GNU Zip program for compressing files |
kill | Terminates running processes |
Ln | Creates links to files and directories |
Ls | Lists files |
| Command line mail client |
mkdir | Command line mail client |
more | Paginates a file |
mount | Maps a filesystem to a directory |
mv | Moves a file from one location to another; same as renaming a file |
netstat | Prints network statistics |
ping | Checks for the network reachability of other machines on the network |
ps | Lists currently running processes |
pwd | Displays current working directory |
rm | Removes files |
rmdir | Removes directories |
sed | Stream editor can be used to programmatically modify files and the output of programs |
sh | Bourne shell |
sleep | Delays for a specific amount of time |
sort | Sorts the lines of input |
su | Changes identity of a user |
tar | Archiving program |
tcsh | Enhanced C shell |
touch | Updates the timestamp on a file |
umount | Unmounts a currently mounted filesystem |
uname | Prints system information |
vi | A text editor |
The commands in the following table are located in the /usr/bin directory.
Command | Description |
At | Queues jobs for later execution |
Bc | A bench calculator |
Cc | C-compiler (this command is a symbolic link to the GNU C-compiler gcc) |
Clear | Clears the screen |
Crontab | Maintains a list of tasks to be performed later |
Du | Reports disk usage for a directory and subdirectories |
Emacs | An editor |
F77 | Fortran compiler |
File | Prints file type |
Find | File-searching utility |
Finger | Looks up user information |
ftp | File transfer program |
Gcc | GNU C-compiler |
Gdb | GNU debugger |
Gftp | Graphical FTP client |
Gimp | GNU image manipulation and painting program |
Gmake | Maintains a group of programs (this command is a symbolic link to the GNU make command gmake ) |
Head | Displays the first few lines of a file |
Ispell | Interactive spell checker |
Lpr | Spools print jobs |
Man | Displays manual pages for commands |
Nslookup | Looks up a host s DNS information |
Passwd | Changes a user s password |
telnet | Telnet client allows remote logins |
Wall | Sends a message to the terminals of all users currently logged on |
Wc | Counts words, lines, and characters of input text |
Which | Displays the full path of commands |
Who | Displays the list of users currently logged on to the system |
The next batch of files are system configuration files located in the /etc directory and its subdirectories. The following table contains some of the more commonly modified ones.
File | Description |
Exports | Lists the filesystems to be exported via NFS |
Ftpaccess | Configuration file for ftpd |
Group | Lists the various groups on the system and each of their members |
Hosts | Lists the hostname and IP addresses of machines |
host.conf | Used by the DNS resolver library |
Motd | Contains the message of the day |
passwd | Contains user information for all users on the system |
shadow | Contains the encrypted passwords of the user |
xinetd.conf | Configuration file for the xinetd daemon |
You can find administrative binaries under /sbin and /usr/sbin. The following table provides a list of commands from the /sbin directory.
Binary | Description |
Arp | Prints a machine s Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table |
cardmgr | PCMCIA device manager |
chkconfig | Manages runlevel information for system services |
debugfs | Ext2 filesystem debugging utility |
dhclient | DHCP client |
e2fsck | Ext filesystem diagnosis and repair tool |
fdisk | Disk-partitioning utility |
fuser | Displays the IDs of processes using the specified files |
ifconfig | Configures network interfaces |
insmod | Installs loadable kernel modules |
lspci | Lists all PCI devices on this systems |
lspnp | Lists all PNP devices on this system |
mkfs | Creates a new filesystem on a partition |
modprobe | Detects and manages loadable modules |
route | Displays and sets system routing table |
sysctl | Displays or changes system parameters |
The following table lists some of the files from the /usr/sbin directory.
Binary | Description |
adduser | Creates a new user |
automount | Configures mount points for autofs |
chpasswd | Updates password file in batch mode |
chroot | Runs command with the root set to a new root |
gpm | Mouse-based cut and paste utility for virtual consoles |
groupadd | Adds a new group |
in.fingerd | Finger daemon |
in.ftpd | FTP daemon |
in.identd | identd daemon |
in.telnetd | Telnet daemon |
kudzu | Configures new hardware |
pppd | PPP daemon |
squid | HTTP caching server |
tcpdump | TCP/IP diagnostics tool |
vipw | Password file editor |
zdump | Dumps time zone information |
The /usr/local/bin directory usually houses new programs when they are installed.
Shared libraries (that is, libraries that contain common functions used by multiple programs at the same time without multiple in-memory copies) reside in the /lib , /usr/lib , and /usr/local/lib directories. It is often a good idea to ensure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable contains these directories. This variable is not set by default, although it can be set in the .bashrc file or other startup files.
The /boot directory contains bootable images of Linux kernels . Following is an extract from a typical listing (here, the vmlinuz entries are the kernel binaries):
$ ls /boot boot.b chain.b config-2.4.18-14 config-2.4.18-17.8.0 ... vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 vmlinuz-2.4.18-17.8.0
Transient and temporary files can be found under /var/tmp and /tmp . The /tmp directory is cleaned up by startup scripts after every reboot, whereas the /var/tmp directory is not. This behavior may dictate for some programmers the choice of using /var/tmp as opposed to /tmp .
Files related to peripherals, such as devices, can be found under the /dev directory. By convention, various peripherals, such as CD-ROM drives and floppy drives , are mounted under the /mnt directory. You ll see more on this directory in a later section.
The /proc directory provides a filesystem abstraction to the processes currently running on the system. Each process has a directory assigned to it and several files under it that contain information about the process. For more details, you should refer to the proc manual page by invoking the command man proc .
And, finally, as you first discovered in Chapter 2, the user s home directories are typically created under /home .