Coder to Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software
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NAnt tool, 239, 243–248
NASA’s Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL), 15, 16
NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), 258
NDoc tool, 225, 228, 228–229
.NET. See Visual Studio
networks, testing software on, 166–168
Neward, Ted, 133
“The New Methodology” article (Fowler), 16
Nielsen, Jakob, 204
NMock tool, 84
no-touch deployment, 287–288
nogoop .NET Component Inspector tool, 129–130, 130–131
noise comments, 61–62
Notepad as IDE, 102
NSIS (Null Scriptable Install System), 278
NUnit testing tool, See also unit testing
debugging tests, 78–80, 79
defined, 72
first steps, 73–75, 75
testing download engine, 76–78, 78
testing exceptions, 80
testing with mock objects, 80–84
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