Coder to Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software

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Rapid Development (McConnell), 15, 202

Rational Unified Process (RUP), 16

Rational XDE software, 22, 114–115, 114–116

Recommended Approach to Software Development (NASA), 16

Refactoring: Improving the Design of

Existing Code (Fowler), 89

refactoring, See also unit testing

defined, 89

example, 90–91

problems with, 92

tools, 91–93

reflection, 128

Reflector utility, 124, 124–128, 127

regression testing, 164

release candidate builds, 29

Rename command, 38

repository, code control and, 43

rights. See protecting

risk management. See bug tracking

RoboHelp tool, 223, 224

Roeder, Lutz, 124

Roff, Jason T., 23

Rollback command, 38

RUP (Rational Unified Process), 16

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