Windows Vista in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (OReilly))

B.2. Keyboard Accelerators Listed by Function

Table B-8 lists keys that operate in most contextsin other words, on the Desktop, in the Explorer, and within most applications and dialogs. Functions are listed alphabetically, except where a logical order might make more sense.

Note also that there is essentially a limitless combination of keystrokes that you can use to activate any particular feature in a given application, all of which you can form by combining the various keystrokes listed in this appendix. For example, you can press Alt-F to open an application's File menu, then press P to Print, then press Enter to begin printing. Or press Ctrl-Esc to open the Start menu, Alt-Enter to open the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties, Ctrl-Tab to open the Taskbar tab (if necessary), and Alt-L to lock (or unlock) the Taskbar.

Table B-8. Keyboard accelerators listed by function



Space bar

Checkbox, toggle on or off


Clipboard, copy


Clipboard, copy current window as a bitmap


Clipboard, copy entire screen as a bitmap


Clipboard, cut


Clipboard, paste


Close current document


Close current window


Close dialog box, message window, or menu

Space bar

Command button, click

Shift-F10, or context menu key on some keyboards

Context menu, open

Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Controls cycle focus on a dialog box


Copy selected item or selected text to the Clipboard


Cut selected item or selected text to the Clipboard

Windows Logo Key-B, Space bar

Puts you in the notification area (Windows Logo Key-B), then reveals hidden icons (Space bar)

Shift-Delete or Shift-drag item to Recycle Bin

Delete a file without putting it in the Recycle Bin


Delete selected item

Ctrl-Esc (or Windows Logo Key), then Esc, Tab, Tab, Tab

Desktop, activate

Windows Logo Key-D, or click empty portion of Taskbar and press Alt-M

Desktop, activate by minimizing all windows

Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Dialog box, cycle through controls

Ctrl-Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Dialog box, cycle through tabs


Document, close


Document, move to the beginning


Document, move to the end

Ctrl-F6 or Ctrl-Tab

Document, switch between

Down Arrow or F4

Drop-down listbox, open


Exit an application

Ctrl-Esc, then Alt-F4

Exit Windows


File, delete without moving to Recycle Bin

Windows Logo Key-F (or F3 or Ctrl-F in Windows Explorer or on the Desktop)

File, search

Ctrl-Windows Logo Key-F

Find a computer on your network

Windows Logo Key-F (or F3 or Ctrl-F in Windows Explorer or on the Desktop)

Find files or folders

Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Focus, move between controls on a dialog box

Shift-click Close button

Folder, close current and all parents (Windows Explorer in single-folder view only)

Right and left arrows

Folder, expand and collapse folders in tree


Folder, open in two-pane Explorer view

Windows Logo Key-F (or F3 or Ctrl-F in Windows Explorer or on the Desktop)

Folder, search


Help (in most applications)

Down arrow or F4

Listbox, drop-down


Listbox, select multiple items

Ctrl-Space bar

Listbox, select or deselect items

Windows Logo Key-L (or press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and then Space bar)

Lock computer

Alt-x if menu doesn't have focus, x by itself if menu has focus

Menu, activate specific item with letter x underlined

Arrow keys

Menu, basic navigation


Menu, close

F10 or Alt (by itself)

Menu, move focus to

Shift-F10, or context menu key on some keyboards

Menu, open context menu

Windows Logo Key-D, or click empty portion of Taskbar and press Alt-M

Minimize all windows and move focus to Desktop

Windows Logo Key-M (hold Shift to undo)

Minimize current window


Panes, move focus between


Parent folder, move to (in Windows Explorer)


Paste the contents of the Clipboard

Alt-double-click, or select and then press Alt-Enter

Properties, display for an icon


Refresh (in Windows Explorer, on the Desktop, and some other applications)


Rename selected icon or file in Windows Explorer or on the Desktop

Windows Logo Key-R



Screenshot, copy current window as a bitmap to the Clipboard


Screenshot, copy entire screen as a bitmap to the Clipboard

Page Down

Scroll down one screen

Page Up

Scroll up one screen

Ctrl-arrow key

Scroll without moving selection

Windows Logo Key-F

Search for files or folders

F3 or Ctrl-F

Search for files or folders (in Windows Explorer or on the Desktop only)


Select all

Alt-drag file

Shortcut, create

Windows Logo Key or Ctrl-Esc

Start menu, open

Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Esc (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Switch to next application

Ctrl-F6 or Ctrl-Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Switch to next document window


System menu, show for current document

Alt-Space bar

System menu, show for current window

Windows Logo Key-Pause/Break

System Properties, open

Ctrl-Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Tabs, switch between tabs

Shift-Ctrl-Esc (or press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and click Task Manager)

Task Manager, open

Ctrl-Esc, then Alt-Enter

Taskbar and Start Menu Properties, open

Windows Logo Key-Tab

Launches Flip 3D



Alt-Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Window, activate next


Window, close


Window, drop to bottom of pile

Windows Logo Key-M (hold Shift to undo)

Window, minimize

Windows Logo Key-D (hold Shift to undo)

Window, minimize all

Alt-Tab (hold Shift to go in reverse)

Window, switch to

Windows Logo Key-E

Windows Explorer, open


Windows Explorer, switch between panes
