Dreamweaver MX Extensions
Chapter 7: "Creating Custom Floating Panels"
Floater Framework.htm: HTML framework file with script tag in the <head> , including initialPosition() , isDockable() , getDockingSide() , isAvailableInCodeView() , displayHelp() , documentEdited() , and selectionChanged() functions, with comments. Sample and Resource Files
duck floater.htm: Sample of a floater using images, rollovers, and layers . workshop.swf: SWF file to be placed in a floater. smiley.gif: Animated GIF image to be placed in a floater. duck01.gif: GIF image to be placed in a floater. duck02.gif: GIF image to be placed in a floater. click.gif: GIF image to be used creating a rollover effect in a floater. click_over.gif: GIF image to be used creating a rollover effect in a floater. click_down.gif: GIF image to be used creating a rollover effect in a floater. Workshop #1: Table Helper
Table Helper.htm: Floater that examines a selected table in the user document, and reports on its dimensions and structure. |