10 Minute Guide to Microsoft Access 2002


10 Minute Guide to Microsoft Access 2002

By Joe Habraken

Table of Contents
Lesson 7.  Entering Data into a Table

Hiding a Field

When you are entering data into the table, you might find that you have not actually collected the data that you need to enter into a particular field. This means that you must skip this field in all the records as you enter your data (until you come up with the data).

You can hide a field or fields in the table datasheet. This doesn't delete the field column or disrupt any of the field properties that you set for that particular field. It just hides the field from your view as you enter your data. To hide a field, follow these steps:

  1. In the Datasheet view, select the field or fields that you want to hide (click a field's column heading, as shown in Figure 7.2). To select multiple contiguous fields, click the first field, and then hold down the Shift key and click the last field.

    Figure 7.2. You can select a column and then hide it.

  2. Select Format and then Hide Columns , or right-click the column and select Hide Columns. The column or columns disappear.

  3. Enter your data records into your table; the hidden column is skipped as you move from column to column.

  4. When you have finished entering data into the other fields in the table, you can unhide the column. Select Format, Unhide Columns . The Unhide Columns dialog box appears (see Figure 7.3). Fields with a check mark next to them are unhidden; fields without a check mark are hidden.

  5. Click the check box of any hidden field to "unhide" the field.

  6. Click Close. The hidden column (or columns) reappear in the table.

Figure 7.3. The Unhide Columns dialog box shows you which columns are currently hidden.

