Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs with Perl
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]
taint checking command line option: enabling explicitly; taint checking: for setuid programs[taint checking:setuid programs]; 2nd in CGI script[taint checking:CGI script] insecure data PATH and processing input with regular epxression tardist target: for module makefile; 2nd TCP/IP programming 2nd 3rd telnet program: testing server application with 2nd test script: for module; test.pl script. [See module test script] test.pl script: for XS module[test.pl:XS module]; this variable; tie operator 2nd Tie::RefHash module tied hash tied hash: CLEAR method CLEAR method; DELETE method DELETE method; DESTROY method DESTROY method; EXISTS method; 2nd FETCH method FETCH method; FIRSTKEY method; 2nd interpolating expression with; NEXTKEY method NEXTKEY method; STORE method STORE method; TIEHASH method 2nd TIEHASH method; tied variable tied variable: variable with magical properties; tied variable; tied hash TIEHASH method. [See under tied hash] tokenizing tr/// [See transliterate operator] transliterate operator: counting characters with; inside map; instead of regular expression 2nd true: defined tryme: in examples[tryme:examples] type fields; typeglob 2nd typeglob subscript: creating ioref with; extracting references from typeglob with; passing filehandles with; typeglob: accessing symbol table with; aliasing names with; assigning reference to; 2nd considered an obscure feature identifier preceded by * in lieu of reference[typeglob:reference]; localizing filehandles and dirhandles with; localizing with local; 2nd my variables and passing by reference 2nd passing dirhandle with passing filehandle with; 2nd passing to subroutine; 2nd reference to returning